Why CTA is Important for Website and Types of CTA

 A Call to action (CTA) is a kind of reminder on the webpage that tells users to get their action on it; it could be buying now or sign up or new letter and many more.

Here today digital marketing agency Toronto will explain all about why CTA must be on your website and types of CTA’s. Let’s continue to article

Why is a Call To Action Important?

Strategic calls-to-action (CTAs) can help you guide your visitors through the buying journey and directly harm your conversion rates.

An effective CTA will do wonders at drawing visitors’ attention, stimulating their interest, and eloquently guiding them through the sign-up process.

And there are a lots of benefits of having CATs on your website, some of them are mentioned below:

Leads Genration (CTA)

First, calls to action are essential since they allow you to generate leads on your website. 

Since you are trying to turn a simple visitor into a lead, you need to place CTAs that are meant to generate leads - that is, places that lead to landing pages and forms. 

They have to meet in places that are known to attract a lot of new visitors.

The most frequent place is certainly on your company's blog, whether at the end of an article, on the "side bar" or even in a banner. 

To be successful, these CTAs must be visually catchy and convey the value to be received by clicking on it. Take the example below, which speaks of inspiration, experts in the field and (generous) quantity, which makes the mouth water much more than if we had read the simple "download quote".

Contact Form (CTA)

Once your visitor clicks on a CTA like the one explained in the first point, they should land on a landing page, which will contain an essential tool for their engagement, a contact form!

These forms turn a stranger into known visitors. The more forms a prospect fills out that contain different fields, the more information you accumulate about them and the more you can send them content that is relevant to their situation, their needs and their progress in the buying cycle.

Remember that a form button shouldn't just read, download. Why? To avoid scary bounce rates, visitors should be reminded of what they will get in return. 

As shown in the example below, we speak of guide and possession, since we imply that by clicking, it becomes "our" guide.

Learn more button (CTA)

Any place on your website that relates to the systematic display of content, such as your blog, your news section or for your resources, you will be inclined not to display everything on the library or your home page . 

Indeed, encourage your visitors to continue browsing by inviting them to learn more about each of this news or articles, individually.

For example, as the following example demonstrates, the image and the CTA invite you to read more, which is much more interesting than a simple "read more" button.

SEO Agency Toronto suggest it give you more space for other content, these CTAs allow you to better track the performance of the latest news, and encourage navigation to pages that lead to more engagements on your website. .

Discover a service or a product (CTA)

When someone is browsing the pages of your services or products, you want to make their experience as easy as possible. After all, it's the letter that make you dollars. 

So make these CTAs interesting by giving overviews of your product, or by putting in the background pictures in action that relate to your services.

In the example below, the colors are interesting; we understand that this is a product that relates to several types of technology (cell, tablet and computer). 

The main CTA is discovery, but it also allows you to request a demo for someone already interested in using it.

Sharing on social media (CTA)

Share buttons on social platforms is must have CTA according to digital marketing experts, Toronto. They are easy to put, and especially important on all pages that relate to content that may be of interest to your visitor's community. 

They are also buttons requiring little involvement from your visitors, leads and customers when they want to get involved with your brand.

Be careful not to put them everywhere! You don't want it to be on pages where people give you their personal information. They will tend not to engage in it. 

Finally, what is very interesting about this type of CTA is that you can personalize them and adapt them to the tone normally associated with each of the platforms; more professional on Linkedin and friendly on Facebook. Here is an example:

Free offers and demos (CTA)

What happens when your prospect is not quite ready to invest in your product or service? You have to make him savor; give him a taste of what could change his life. To do this, use offers with a very high implication.

Consider offers like free demos, a free trial period, or free estimates. These are the kinds of offers that should be put forward for a prospect who is almost convinced of what you are offering.

Besides, this kind of CTA should be placed in places on your website that receive a lot of weekly visits, whether on a thank you page or at the end of your blog posts. Here is an example :

Close the sale (CTA)

Once your lead generation and maintenance strategies are complete, the most important thing is to end the sale. This type of CTA is sales-oriented because you want the people who use it to get to the buying stage, here and now!

It can be interesting to put them on the product pages, since a prospect might be interested in recalling some information before taking the plunge. 

Promotion of events (CTA)

Whether you want to create an event, online or in person, you will be looking for the highest attendance rate possible. 

Digital Marketing Agency Toronto suggests a CTA to promote this type of action is always very relevant, either to increase visibility or to encourage the purchase of tickets online.

All the more advantageous is that they can be placed all over the site, depending on the segment of customers you are interested in attracting. 

Many events are also used to nurture customers, so you can encourage them to participate just as much by putting these CTAs on login pages, dashboards or places where they receive their invoices
